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Nicky is Associate Dean for Research and Enterprise for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. She is also the Director of the Southampton Institute of Arts and Humanities (SIAH). She researches contemporary cultural economies, with a particular attention to money, currency, and gender. She is the author of Credit Culture: the politics of money in the American novel of the 1970s and co-editor of Show me the Money: the Visual History of Finance. Her previous projects include the AHRC-funded History of Financial Advice.

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Michael is a research fellow at the Universities of Sheffield and Southampton. He is working with creative, ethnographic and place-based methods on two AHRC funded projects: Spaces of Hope (Sheffield) investigates hidden histories of community led planning in the UK and Feeling Towns (Southampton) looks at the increasing political salience of civic pride through the Levelling Up Agenda. In October, Michael begins an ESRC Post-Doc Fellowship to fund a year of writing and dissemination from his latest research – which also includes a longitudinal consideration of local pride and political culture in Hull.

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Joseph is a research fellow at the University of Southampton, working on the knowledge exchange project, Feeling Towns, which explores pride, place attachment and civic engagement in UK towns and cities. He is a policy associate at Public Policy | Southampton, consulting on green recovery strategies and the Levelling Up agenda for local authorities across the Southern region. Joseph recently completed his doctorate in English literature and is now turning his thesis, "Carl Schmitt, Sovereignty, Modernism", into a book. He writes arts, film, and literary criticism.

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